Rolls Royce Apparition Concept

So maybe it’s not as obvious and toy-like as the BMW X1 or theBugatti Veyron built straight from Lego blocks, but this Rolls Royce Apparition Concept bears some strong resemblance to the construction toys we used to play with when we were young. Except a Rolls Royce is nothing to play around with so we are not sure what Jeremy Westerlund was thinking when he put together this boxy contraption.

Then again, he provided a little synopsis of the inspiration behind his creation. He sees the Apparition Concept as "An ultra luxurious chauffeur driven limousine evoking the glamor and sophistication of chauffeur driven cars in the past that has since been lost. This vehicle is about being seen, but at the same time being invisible or an "Apparition" in the sense that you’re safely tucked away in its palatial and private interior. Exterior model-milled foam from Alias data."

Thankfully, this is just a 1:4 scale model concept, so the chances of anyone building this Phantom -based vehicle is slim to none. Actually it’s more like none to none, since it looks like the driver would be the only person able to ride around in it and he may only be able to jump in it to sit down. Radio, navigation system, and even simple luxuries such as cupholders seem to be completely out of the question for this ride. This car would only exist to make a statement, and that statement would be: "Because I can."

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