This project was started as the final project for my Design Process II in Fall 2012 class in second term Transportation Design program at Art Center College of Design. The assignment was to design a concept vehicle based on the iconic Bugatti Type 57 Atlantic. I took the loyalty approach to the baseline of the Type 57 design and created an owner’s profiled based on top 100 loyal costumers of Bugatti. Since the Bugatti type 57 is one of the most favorable model names manufactured by Bugatti, the production limit for this concept would be 101 cars(This is all just a story and fictional, and it holds no ground in reality, hopefully in future. As a part of the process I chose my inspiration images and started off developing the concept with the line sketches through 4-5 weeks. Then we started the tape drawing of the concept based on our final sketches. And these are the final 3D renderings of my Concept Hope you enjoy.
If you have any kind of information about this car than please comment us or email us our email:
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